Do Pheromones work on human behaviour?

Do Pheromones work on human behaviour?

Well its that time of the year again when this question seems to peek for L-O-V-E Month.

Pheromones are chemicals that are produced by animals, including humans, and are used to communicate with others of the same species. In animals, pheromones play a crucial role in attracting mates, establishing dominance, and marking territory.

There is some evidence to suggest that pheromones can also have an impact on human behavior, but the extent of this impact is still the subject of scientific debate and further research is needed to fully understand the role of pheromones in human behavior.

Studies have suggested that certain pheromones, such as androstenone, which is found in male sweat, can influence attraction and sexual behavior in women. However, these findings are not consistent and have been challenged by other studies that have found no significant impact of pheromones on human behavior.

It's important to note that while pheromones may play a role in human behavior, many other factors, including personal preferences, personality, and cultural influences, also play a significant role in determining attraction and behavior.

In conclusion, the evidence on the impact of pheromones on human behavior is mixed and further research is needed to fully understand their role.

S-S-s-o-r-r-y Guys we are just going to have to stick with instinct to justify our animalic behaviour. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....