What is the relationship between Perfumer & Evaluator?

What is the relationship between Perfumer & Evaluator?

The relationship between a perfumer and an evaluator is a collaborative one, with both parties working together to create and evaluate fragrances. While the perfumer is responsible for creating the fragrance composition, the evaluator provides...
Why are Perfumes Reformulated?

Why are Perfumes Reformulated?

The dreaded 'Raison de Reformulation'. Often met with scepticism and no short amount of emotional distress, here we elaborate on a few of the key reasons why perfumes are reformulated. Perfumes are often reformulated for...
Can you patent or trademark a perfume formula?

Can you patent or trademark a perfume formula?

In many countries, including the United States, it is NOT possible to patent or trademark a perfume formula. This is because fragrance formulas are considered to be trade secrets, and are not disclosed to the public....
Why was Lilial banned?

Why was Lilial banned?

Why was Lilial banned and what are the implications for existing perfumes on the market? Lilial is a fragrance ingredient that was banned in the European Union due to concerns about its potential toxicity and...
What goes into an 'Upcycled' Perfume?

What goes into an 'Upcycled' Perfume?

Upcycling is the process of transforming byproducts, waste materials, or unwanted products into new materials or products of better quality or environmental value. In perfume making, upcycling can involve using discarded or unused natural materials...
Can Perfume be considered Spiritual?

Can Perfume be considered Spiritual?

Perfume can be considered spiritual in the sense that it has the ability to evoke emotions and memories, and can be used in religious and spiritual practices. Fragrances have been used in religious and spiritual...
Is the human sense of smell a diminishing skill?

Is the human sense of smell a diminishing skill?

There is evidence to suggest that the human sense of smell may be declining in some populations, particularly in industrialized countries. A study published in the journal Chemical Senses in 2002 found that the ability...
Spirited Away, exploring the relationship between Gin & Perfume

Spirited Away, exploring the relationship between Gin & Perfume

Gin and perfume may seem like an unlikely pairing, but the two have a long and intertwined history. Both are created through the process of distillation, and both rely on botanicals for their distinct aromas...